Wednesday 3 September 2008

Sir Paul Mccartney - Mccartney Slams Anti-vegetarian Ramsay

SIR PAUL MCCARTNEY has hit back up at GORDON RAMSAY after the British TV chef criticised vegetarians.

Ex-Beatle MCCartney has been a vegetarian for 30 days and admits he gets upset when people suppose "stupid" things about people who don't eat substance.

And the singer was umbrageous when Hell's Kitchen star Ramsay lately announced he would disinherit his daughter if she fell in love with a vegetarian.

Veteran rocker MCCartney says, "I just register a quote from Gordon Ramsay... 'If my girl ever grew up and married a vegetarian, I'd never forgive her.'

?But even that I would forgive because it's not my affaire, it's not up to me if he dialogue stupid or not."

The foul-mouthed chef likewise recently threatened to penalize his children if they gave up eating meat.

MCCartney's youngest girl, four-year-old Beatrice, is a vegan, and the of late divorced star topology would like the hale world to stop feeding meat.

He says, "I'd be happier if everyone was vegetarian. The planet would be better off for it."

The music legend gave up essence after he met his first wife, Linda, in 1967. Linda died of breast cancel in 1998, and the star is preparing to relaunch her range of vegetarian intellectual nourishment.

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