Saturday 3 May 2008

New work too loud for orchestra

New work too loud for orchestra

A German orchestra has dropped a composition from its program after its members claimed the medicine was so loud that it gave them ear problems and headaches.The Bavarian Wireless Philharmonic Orchestra (BR) said it had little selection but to drop the reality premiere of Swedish-Israeli composer Dror Feiler's Halat Hisar (Commonwealth of Siege), from a concert because it was "adverse to the wellness" of its musicians.Members of the 100-strong orchestra said they could only contemplate playing the piece wearing headphones, after several suffered buzzing in the ears for hours afterward rehearsals. The 20-minute theme starts with the rale of machine gun blast and gets louder.

"I had to protect the orchestra," its director, Trygve Nordwall, said. "I can't exactly say we'll dally it in any case, for it to then movement health problems. The slice starts with machine gun shots ... and that's the quietest part of it."Nordwall was guided by new EU rules that foreclose more than 85 decibels in the work. He said readings were taken during rehearsals and even when toned drink down, Halat Hisar measured about 130 decibels, equivalent to listening a jet aircraft pickings off.Feiler, 56, said that his work was "no louder than anything by Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich or Wagner". He told the Munich Abendzeitung that he was volition to compromise only "there was no will on that point".Nordwall said the musicians had considered wear headphones only would non have been able to hear for each one other. The composer as well rejected the idea, he said.Critics have weighed in, saying that if taken literally, the rules would effectively mean a ban on louder pieces by composers including Johann Strauss and Otto Wagner.
